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- [14.03.2018] - Eduardo Tarazona-Santos is presenting EPIGEN-Brazil results at the Center for Study Human Genomes at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
- [18.02.2018] - Our article about Pharmacogenomics biomarkers in Brazil was accepted in The Pharmacogenomics Journal.
- [15.09.2017] - EPIGEN-Brazil posdoc Mateus Gouvéia presentation about the genetics of the African diáspora was awarded as the best presentation in Genomics and Bioinformatics at the Brazilian Congress of Genetics.
- [ 02.09.2016] - Tarazona-Santos E, Kehdy F, Magalhães WCS, Rodrigues MR, Scliar M, Zolini C, Barreto ML, Horta BL, Pereira AC, Lima-Costa MF (2016) Brasil e a idiossincrasia da miscigenação. Revista UFMG 22(1-2):232-249, Belo Horizonte.
- [ 11.05.2016 ] - Hartwig FP, Horta BL, Smith GD, de Mola CL, Victora CG. (2016) Association of lactase persistence genotype with milk consumption, obesity and blood pressure: a Mendelian randomization study in the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort, with a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol. May 11. pii: dyw074. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27170764.
- [ 28.12.2015 ] - Lima-Costa MF, Mambrini JM, Leite MLC, Peixoto SV, Firmo JO, Loyola AI, Gouveia M, Leal TP, Pereira A, Macinko J, Tarazona- Santos E. Socioeconomic position, but not African genomic ancestry, is associated with blood pressure in the Bambui-Epigen (Brazil) Cohort Study of Ageing. Hypertension 2016 Feb;67(2):349-55. PMID: 26711733.
- [ 16.12.2015 ] - Borges MC, Hartwig FP, Oliveira IO, Horta BL. (2016) Is there a causal role for homocysteine concentration in blood pressure? A Mendelian randomization study. Am J Clin Nutr. Jan;103(1):39-49. PMID: 26675774.
- [ 03.12.2015 ] - Costa GN, Dudbridge F, Fiaccone RL,Silva TM, Conceicao JS, Strina A, Figueiredo CA, Magalhaes WCS, Rodrigues MR, Gouveia M, Kehdy F, Horimoto A, Lessa-Horta B, Burchard E, Pino-Yanes M, Del-Rio-Navarro B, Romieu I, Hancock D, London S, Lima-Costa MF, Pereira A, Tarazona E, Rodrigues LC, Barreto M. A genome-wide association study of asthma symptoms in Latin American children. BMC Genetics (Online), v. 16, p. 141, 2015. PMID:26635092.
- [ 29.06.2015 ] Our PNAS article Origin and dynamics of admixture in Brazilians and effect on the pattern of deleterious mutations (PMID: 26124090) was publisehed and received a lot attention by media:
- Come nasce un paese multietnico. (Internazionale)
- Nuevas pistas genéticas de la población brasileña. (SCIDEV Net)
- Brancos do Sul e Sudeste carregam nos genes pistas sobre o tráfico negreiro. (Folha de São Paulo)
- Professor da UFMG lidera estudo sobre diversidade genômica de populações brasileiras publicado em revista norte-americana. (UFMG)
- Consortium Describes Ancestry Patterns in Brazilian Populations. (Genome Web)
- Estudo do ICB interpreta origem e dinâmica da miscigenação brasileira. (ICB-UFMG)
- Pesquisadores apresentam o mais completo estudo sobre o genoma brasileiro. (Estado de Minas)
- Estudo diz que população do Brasil é menos 'misturada' do que se pensa. (O Globo)
- Pesquisadores apresentam o mais completo estudo sobre o genoma brasileiro. (Correio Brasiliense)
- O tráfico negreiro no sangue do País. (Istoe)
[ 28.04.2015 ] The first article of the EPIGEN-Initiative was published. It is the first large community-based multicenter study to investigate the association between individual proportions of genome-wide based African, European and Native American ancestries and likelihood of ethnoracial self-classification in Brazil. It is also the first study of this type in Latin Americans. Link to PubMed here.
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